1. 细觉检查法:这是最简单的筛查方法。经验丰富的医生可以通过看和摸来判断病情。根据颜色、形状、大小、边缘等来确定是否存在白斑。
2. 特殊光线淬激检查法:这种检查方法利用X射线、木质灯或微芒光获得皮肤显微图像。这种方法可确定白癜风的最小区域,并进一步提供准确的病理诊断。
3. 家族史问诊法:Family History Questionnaire非常重要。由于白癜风与遗传有关,则家族史很有可能是发病的直接原因。因此,询问患者有关家族史情况是否有相应征象十分重要。家族史情况问题通常在初次问诊的时候问。
4. 患者问诊法:这种方法是成功筛查皮肤白癜风的一般途径。患者提供相关症状的详细信息,以及他们自认为对病情的感知。当然,虽然这种方法结果同样准确,但医生需要凭借经验和技巧来进一步进行确诊。
1. Topical Topical vitiligo can only be treated with topical medications such as corticosteroids, vitamin D3 analogues, and anti-inflammatory creams. These creams can only be applied to affected areas, and it is important to keep the skin clean and moisturized, avoiding direct sunlight.
2. Light therapy: Light therapy such as ultraviolet radiation therapy and excimer laser therapy, although effective, is a time-consuming process that often requires more than 50 visits over an extended period of time.
3. Surgery: Surgical procedures such as skin transplant or microscopic grafting are suitable for patients with vitiligo disease, but the installation system can be very complicated and requires extensive preparation and steps with risks and an end result that is not always sure.
4. Treat underlying conditions: Underlying conditions such as thyroid disease, lupus, or any other autoimmune disorder will also require treatment, as well as attention to avoid stress and pay close attention to important inhibitors and supplements in certain foods.